Thursday, May 7, 2009

Random Thoughts and tidbits for May

So last time i did a blog that WASN'T just movie lines to make people guess, I went on a rant about how Deadpool looks in the new Wolverine movie (which i was told to save my money because it sucks), since i haven't seen it yet in theaters or online I won't say anything but they did greenlight a Deadpool movie which hopefully gives less Deadpool shooting lasers out of his eyes and more classic scenes like this

Funny stuff, anyway this is why i love the character.

Big stuff coming up. Getting married in 44 days, and we FINALLY found an apartment! Our "top picks" had great reviews like "i lived next door to a prostitute" or "my car got broken into" and "this place has a bedbug problem". Finally we did find a good place, lots of Russians it seems, 3rd floor, 1 br and we'll have a deck and fireplace GREAT SUCCESS!!

So things like that has kept me a little busy from Scrubs so I don't get to reflect on it like Dru or Richard did, but I HAVE been following lost and as much as I love the season so far I was pissed about ONE THING:

Yep...they killed off one of the best people on the show since Desmond showed up in season 2. So Interesting character who Guarantees a great episode dies, while boring annoying characters live...

No joke, i literally got excited when I thought she got shot tonight!! But it was Sayid killing Roy from the office (who's a dick in 2 shows now). Anyway one more episode left and that's it for the year with Lost. I'm a little sad next season is going to be the last. Tonight was maybe/maybe not Scrub's last season, but i think I'll miss Lost a lot more. I'll need a new obsession this time next year.

What else... oh I found something I want to make I'm so making those and that'll be how i'll get rid of the boxes in the apartment when i move in. I maybe should wear THIS SHIRT while I'm killing boxes with the wolverine claws. Nothing says I'm a badass like Wolverine claws and a shirt that (according to the reviews on Amazon) has magical powers.

Well enough random stuff for now,

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