For the past 6 years, Lost has captured my undivided attention with all it's intrigue and mystery. Now that the show has ended, I'm not sure how I feel about the way the End Game played out. From the initial plane crash to the revelation of the sideways flashes being some sort of Purgatory where all the characters meet before moving onto their next spiritual plane (aka Heaven?), Lost has managed to make Sci-Fi on Network Primetime TV cool again, which probably hasn't happened since Star Trek,( not that I was around when that happened, but can you name any big extremely successful sci-fi shows on network TV since then?). What I hope if anything, this show accomplished is that it creates a legacy to be carried on for years after. Being a serial that required every episode to be watched, Sci-Fi in Primetime show and succeeding, it deserves a legacy.
In the end though, I liked the closure we got in the Lostverse afterlife. We saw our favorite couples finding one another again (Claire & Charlie, Desmond & Penny, Sawyer & Juliette, and finally Kate and Jack), it ended in a very "The Last Battle" way and for that the show ended with it's real purpose: showing us the love and lives of the main characters we grew with the last six years. Meanwhile the Island and it's mysteries are left in the air, as the show's MacGuffin.
For me,
Now that there's no more Lost, aside from having debates and discussions with fellow fans, or rotating the series at our home (like we do with LOTR) every so often, I will probably grow a grief-beard in honor of Dr. Jack Shepard (i'm almost there anyway). I'm a little sad to see it go, but like the show's characters "it was time to let go" and let it end. Plus it would really suck if the show became another ER where only 1 maybe 2 original cast members stay on while everyone else would be killed or wrote off. It was Lost's time, plus tired exchanges with people who haven't seen the show thinking it's just about survivors of a plane crash on a island vs our geeky over analytical conversations about what's happening would probably turn brutal and nasty if the show continued with both parties not being able to stand one another. Last but not least, I want to clear the record about Kate and Charlie. I actually liked them, but making off-color remarks about them verbally and on this blog were fun to do and I liked the mixed reactions for drinking the hate-kateraide. The only characters i hated were Nikki and Paulo...and Bai Ling. But they were responsible for ABC to finally say "Geeze make it stop..We'll give you a end date!! please no more!!". While I'll miss "water-cooler" talks about the latest episode (although i never once talked near a water cooler), or saying "Happy Lost Day", drinking when i see a "Jackface" and finally reading the transcript of the comic-con panels between seasons hyping the next season, I'm glad they got to end the way they wanted even if it generated mixed results.
For the final time: Namaste
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