In my continuing blog series, I am taking a retroactive look back at the show Lost in celebration of it's last season (until Disney/ABC decides to make Lost: The Next Generation). I'm mostly doing this for myself and my fellow Losties who routinely get into Lost conversations. If you are just now getting into the series and stumbled across this keep in mind this is very spoiler filled. Also, as before please see for the real post, formatted in the way i intend it to be...facebook always screws these up.
Overall season 3 was a mix for me. Usually Season 2 gets a bad rap as being the worst season, but as mentioned in my last installment, I really don't think it had as many black marks against it as Season 3 does. Look at it this way, Season 2 gave us Desmond & Benjamin Linus as well as the tail section survivors. Season 3 did give us Juliet, Richard Alpert, and the unkillable cycloptic Russian Other Mikhail. But at the same time they solved the baffling mystery of what Jack's tattoos mean (I'm being sarcastic), and who could forget Nicki and Paulo (actually now that i think of it, pretty much everyone can). However this season had some amazing moments which came after ABC gave the go-ahead to set an end date.
As before I'll break down my top 3 episodes of the season, reveal my pick for that season's VIP, and finally re-evaluated characters.
First of all let's take a look at what I consider the best of Season 3.
"The Man
Behind the Curtain"- Definitely in my top 5 lost episodes, this episode shows the previously unknown history of Benjamin Linus as well as the Dharma folks. I personally think this episode will be essential in Season 6 one way or another. So much mythology in Lost was dropped here. In the Ben flashback we meet Annie, Ben's childhood girlfriend, who has yet to pop back up. Personally I think Charles Whidmore killed her or she died in childbirth causing Ben to be the person he is today & it could explain his hellbent quest to find out why women die during childbirth on the island. Secondly, We find out that Richard Alpert is ageless!!! Interestingly though, this is the first time we see him not clean cut and wearing all black (could this be an alt-universe Richard since he was clean cut when Sayid shoots Harry Ben?). Finally worth noting is that in Ben's classroom the children are learning of Volcanoes (which maybe why the statue is only a foot now, and may caused the Adam & Eve skeletons in the caves found in S1). The present day storyline also "shows" us Jacob for the first time. (but is it really Jacob?).
"The Cost of Living"- This is the Swan Song for Mr. Eko. It's such a shame

that the actor wanted to leave Hawaii because all 3 Mr. Eko centered stories are some of the best and strongest stories ever to show on Lost. It seems that Ol Smokey wasn't too happy about losing his staredown with Mr Eko last season. Even with the cheeseball line at the end, this episode was pretty much a fitting farewell to one of Lost's better characters.
"Flashes Before You
r Eyes"- Oh those kooky Desmond-centered episodes. Apparently when he turned the key at the Swan Station, Desmond seemingly traveled back in time with a sense of Deja Vu of his time on the island. Here we meet Mrs. Hawking, who seems like a interesting Character until the beastwhore killed Faraday down the line. None-the-less, this was an important episode, especially right before seeing the 5th season.
Season 3 VIP:
This was a little bit of a challenge but I think we have yet another tie on our hands. Charlie was fun and all in the past but desperately needed a "Even though you're on the B-squad, you're the B-squad Leader" talk. However in his last moments he made a selfless sacrifice to save everyone...or did he doom most of them? Anyway aside from the fact that he could have easily escaped out of the underwater hatch and had a bottle of MacClucheon whiskey on the beach with Desmond, but that didn't happen. Either way, good job Charlie, you're dead but you're not worthless anymore.
Ben on the o

ther hand, while creepy as "Henry Gale" in season 2, was at his best this season. From conning Sawyer to putting a bullet into Locke, Ben was probably the most fun character to watch this season. And as stated in the top episodes portion, Wizard behind the Curtain, is probably going to be essential to the final season. Also Ben single handily takes out all the Dharma Hippies as well as his daddy in one afternoon.
FinallyFun Fact: Did you know that Rob McElhenny (aka Mac from It's Always Sunny) was one of the others?
Here's the link . In past seasons I would indulge in the occasional set report, but I've mostly avoided it this season. However it's nearly impossible to not hear a few whispers of the upcoming season, including that many past characters will be returning. So hopefully we'll see Aldo show back up even though he's not an important character, but it'll still be funny to see him pop up again.

Fun Fact: When "A Tale of 2 Cities " came out, not only did it kick off season 3, but it kicked off the birth of "Jackface". The popular meme involves all the crazy faces Jack makes while acting like a 2 year old in the empty shark tank he's being held captive in. This is also a fun drinking game as well where you drink every time a "Jackface" shows up.
more info here
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